The Childminding Development Grant

Each year the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) makes funding available for childminders. This funding is administrated locally by Limerick Childcare Committee. A grant of up to €1,000 is available to childminders who are registered with Tusla or Voluntary Notified to Limerick Childcare Committee. Other eligibility criteria apply, including proof of insurance.

The Childminding Development Grant aims to support childminders to enhance quality and safety in their service through the purchase of toys, childcare equipment, safety equipment, equipment to support inclusion and STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Maths), as well as IT equipment to assist childminders to engage with training and registration processes later in the year.

Applications are now being invited until the deadline of 7th June 2024. Please contact for an application form or further details.