A New Funding Model for Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare
Minister O'Gorman today announced major reforms to the funding model for early learning and childcare services. The changes will see services increasingly publicly funded and publicly managed, delivering a service for the public good, through a partnership between the State and providers. The reforms are on foot of an Expert Group report, which was approved by Government and published earlier [...]
Christmas Competition
Each day from the 6th to the 10th December, we are giving away a fantastic prize to one lucky childcare service/childminder in Limerick. Check your emails each day for details on how to enter. Good luck!
Memo to Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School Age Childcare (SAC) Providers, including Childminders
The DCEDIY issued this memo to the sector regarding the wearing of face masks by children in their settings.
Childminding – all you need to know
If you are a Childminder or are considering setting up a childminding business in your home, then this new publication, Childminding - all you need to know is for you. Hard copies can be obtained by contacting laura@limerickchildcare.ie
Consultation request from Education and Training Boards on new programmes of Early Learning and Care
In 2019 QQI published Professional Award-type Descriptors for Early Learning and Care (ELC) awards which, for the first time, has set out the standards required for ELC awards at levels 5, 6, 7 and 8. As a result of this development the current QQI Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) awards at Levels 5 and 6 will be deactivated and [...]
National Quality Guidelines for School Age Childcare Services
Minister O'Gorman today launched the National Quality Guidelines for School Age Childcare Services. Read the guidelines here.