We’re Breastfeeding Friendly is a campaign that aims to help improve the health and wellbeing of breastfeeding mothers, babies and their families by encouraging businesses, organisations and communities to become ‘Breastfeeding Friendly’.
Participating organsiations must fulfill certain criteria.
- Breastfeeding must be acceptable in all areas of the premises open to the public.
- All staff members and volunteers must be made aware that the organisation is participating in the campaign and are therefore supportive of the needs of breastfeeding mothers.
- A mother who is breastfeeding in an area of a premises open to the public must never be asked to move to another area of the premises or stop breastfeeding.
- The public are made aware which premises are participating through the display of a “We’re Breastfeeding Friendly” window sticker and/or poster.
More information on the We’re Breastfeeding Friendly launch and the initiative with a link to the information booklet and the short campaign video can be found here: https://www.limerick.ie/council/newsroom/news/limerick-declares-were-breastfeeding-friendly