In 2019 QQI published Professional Award-type Descriptors for Early Learning and Care (ELC) awards which, for the first time, has set out the standards required for ELC awards at levels 5, 6, 7 and 8. As a result of this development the current QQI Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) awards at Levels 5 and 6 will be deactivated and replaced by new professional awards in Early Learning and Care.
The sixteen Education and Training Boards (ETBs), led by Dublin and Dun Laoghaire ETB (DDLETB), have embarked on a collaborative project to develop new Early Learning and Care programmes leading to the Certificate in Early Learning and Care (Level 5), and the Advanced Certificate in Early Learning and Care (Level 6). These new programmes will replace the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Level 5 and 6 awards (5M2009 and 6M2007) in time. They are intended for those who wish to work in the sector or to progress to higher education in this area. The ETBs aim to have their new programmes validated by QQI by summer 2021 in time to start delivery of the Level 5 programme in September 2021.
In the early phase of development DDLETB is keen to hear the views of a wide range of stakeholders on the suitability of the proposed programme aims and programme structure. They have developed a questionnaire and information pack for childcare service providers who offer early learning and care services to children from birth to 6 years.
If you are interested in contributing to this exciting new development, please go to the survey here. The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete. You may download ELC Consultation Phase 1 Information Pack. Closing date for receipt of the online survey has been extended to Friday, 4th December, 12 noon.
To find out more about the Professional Award-type Descriptors (PATD) Annotated for NFQ Early Learning and Care (ELC) Awards, November 2019, click here.