Limerick Childcare Committee, in partnership with Limerick Children and Young People’s Services Committee and Limerick City and County Council, has awarded a tender to Early Childhood Ireland for the Provision of Mentoring Support to Early Years and After School Settings in Outdoor Play in Limerick City and County. Early Childhood Ireland is the national organisation which supports quality experiences for young children in early childhood education and care settings, pre-schools and crèches.
Following a call for expressions of interest from early childhood education and care settings in the Limerick area, six pre-schools/crèches were randomly selected to participate in this exciting project. The project will run from January to March 2018.
Early Childhood Ireland’s outdoor early childhood education and care expert, Carol Duffy, has developed an engaging programme to provide mentoring and support with the six settings, 314 children and their families to promote the benefits of outdoor play for the physical, social and emotional development of children and families. This project aims to provide parents, children and early years/after school practitioners with the skills and confidence to implement outdoor play programmes and increase levels of outdoor play.
All early childhood education and care settings who expressed an interest in this programme in Limerick City and County are invited and welcome to attend the first workshop, “Outdoors: A Natural Place to Play“ at the launch of this innovative project, funded under the Healthy Ireland Fund. Healthy Ireland is the government framework for action to improve the health and well-being of people living in Ireland over the coming generation.
Launch Details: Wednesday 17th Jan 2018, 7 pm, The South Court Hotel, Limerick.
Workshop commences 7.30 pm.